Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Movie - Morir en San Hilario (2005)

Said to be cool Morir en San Hilario movie (To Die in San Hilario).

Movie Is being made - in 2005.

DOWNLOAD Morir en San Hilario MOVIE NOW!

Admissions: 3,095 (Netherlands) (31 December 2006)
Budget: € 10,000
Certificates: Brazil:14, Netherlands:MG6, UK:12A, Argentina:13, Spain:T
Color Info: Color
Countries: Spain
Genres: Comedy
Languages: Spanish
Locations: Argentina, Patagonia, Argentina
Runtimes: Argentina:95
Release Dates: Argentina:12 March 2005, Spain:27 April 2005, Spain:3 June 2005, Canada:31 August 2005, Brazil:23 September 2005, Belgium:28 June 2006, Argentina:26 July 2006, UK:11 August 2006, Netherlands:24 August 2006, Hungary:27 June 2007

In movie have been taken:

Max Berliner (actor)
Birth Notes: Warsaw, Poland
Birth Date: 1919

Eric Bonicatto (actor)

Guido D'Albo (actor)

Milton De La Canal (actor)
Birth Notes: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Birth Date: 15 September 1995

Ulises Dumont (actor)
Birth Name: Dumont, Ulises Oscar
Birth Notes: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Death Date: 29 November 2008
Death Notes: Buenos Aires, Federal Capital, Argentina (heart failure)
Birth Date: 7 April 1937

Juan Echanove (actor)
Height: 171 cm
Birth Name: Labanda, Juan Echanove
Birth Notes: Madrid, Spain
Other Works: 1980: Play "Inmortal Quevedo", by Diezhandino. Dir. Antonio Medina., 1982: Plays Lombardo in "El Caballero de Milagro", by Lope de Vega. Dir. José Caride., 1983: Play "Cuentos de los bosques de Viena", by Ödön von Horvath. Dir. Antonio Larreta., 1983: Play "Ivanov", by Anton Chejov. Dir. Jorge Eines., 1984: Play "Concierto para clave y poesía". Dir. Pedro Mari Sánchez., 1985: Play "Anselmo B.", by Francisco Melgares. Dir. Adolfo Marsillach., 1987: Plays Pastor Bobo in "El público", by Federico García Lorca. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1989: Play "Comedia sin título", by Federico García Lorca. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1992: Plays Sancho Panza in "Don Quijote", by Miguel de Cervantes. Dir. Maurizio Scaparro., 1993-1994: Plays El Cerdo in "El cerdo", by Raymond Cousse. Dir. José Luis Castro., 1995-2003: Play "Alrededor de Borges", based on the work by Jorge Luis Borges. Dir. Jorge Eines., 1996: Reading of "Paisaje", by Harold Pinter., 1996: Reading of "La lengua de las montañas", by Harold Pinter., 1997: Tribute to Dolores Ibárruri "Pasionaria: Un recuerdo". Dir. José Carlos Plaza., 1997: Reading of Play "Cristales", by Alejandro Gandora., 1998: Special Performance in Tribute "Lorca". Dir. Cristina Rota., 1998-1999: Plays Federico García Lorca in "Como canta una ciudad de noviembre a noviembre", by Federico García Lorca. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1999: Special Performance "Acción contra el hambre". Dir. María Lavalle., 2000-2001: Plays José Luis in "El verdugo", by Rafael Azcona and Luis García Berlanga. Adapted by Bernardo Olmos. Dir. Luis Olmos., 2001: Play "Ivan el Terrible", by Serguei Prokófiev. Dir. José Antonio Sáinz Alfaro., 2002: Play "Personas", by Bernardo Sánchez Salas, Thais Sampablo and Fernando Villamía. Festival Grec (Barcelona)., 2002: Play "Prólogo: Encuentro en Salamanca", by Juan Mayorga. Dir. Helena Pimenta., 2003-2004: Plays Víctor in "El precio", by Arthur Miller. Dir. Jorge Eines., 2005: Directed "Visitando al Señor Green", by Jeff Baron., 2006-2007: Plays Michel in "Plataforma", by Michael Houelbecq. Dir. Calixto Bieito.
Birth Date: 1 April 1961
Other Works: 1996: Reading of "El nuevo orden mundial", by Harold Pinter.

Ezequiel Garcia (actor)

Lluís Homar (actor)
Where Now: (October 2008) Has joined the cast of "Herederos" (2008).
Birth Name: Toboso, Lluís Homar
Birth Notes: Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Other Works: 1974: Play "Otelo", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Ángel Carmona., 1975: Play "Terra baixa", by Àngel Guimerà. Dir. Josep Montanyès., 1975: Play "Quiriquibú". Dir. Fabià Puigserver and Guillem-Jordi Graells., 1976-1977: Play "Camí de nit, 1854", by Lluís Pasqual. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1977: Play "Ascensió i caiguda de la ciutat de Mahagonny", by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1977: Plays Emile, duc de Cadignan in "La cacatúa verda", by Arthur Schnitzler. Dir. Pere Planella., 1977: Plays Leonci in "Leonci i Lena", by George Büchner. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1977-1978: Plays Demetrius in "Titus Andrònic", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1978: Plays Ejlert Lovborg in "Hedda Gabler", by Henrik Ibsen. Dir. Pere Planella., 1978: Play "Amb vidres a la sang", by Miquel Martí i Pol. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1978: Plays Danyell Gaveston in "La vida del Rei Eduard II d'Anglaterra", by Christopher Marlowe and Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1979: Plays Mercuri/Aquil·les in "La bella Helena", by Jean Offenbach and Peter Hacks. Dir. Pere Planella., 1979: Plays Baró Nikolai Luòvitx Tusenbach in "Les tres germanes", by Anton Chekhov. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1980: Plays El cap de la policia in "El balcó", by Jean Genet. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1980: Plays Jordi Dandin in "Jordi Dandin", by Molière. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1981: Play "Operació Ubú", by Teatre Lliure. Dir. Albert Boadella., 1982: Plays Aman in "Primera història d'Esther", by Salvador Espriu. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1982: Plays Reyes/Presentado in "Fulgor i mort de Joaquín Murieta", by Pablo Neruda. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1982: Plays Arnau, enamorat d'Adelais in "El misàntrop", by Molière. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1983: Plays Monk in "Advertència per a embarcacions petites", by Tennessee Williams. Dir. Carlos Gandolfo., 1983: Plays L'hèroe in "L'hèroe", by Santiago Rusiñol. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1983: Plays Roland in "Al vostre gust", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1984: Plays Papagueno in "La flauta màgica", by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1984: Plays Pàvel Fiodorovitx Protássov in "Els fills del sol", by Maksim Gorki. Dir. Carme Portaceli., 1985: Plays Sior Anzoletto in "Un dels últims vespres de carnaval", by Carlo Goldoni. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1985-1986: Plays Jan in "La senyoreta Júlia", by August Strindberg. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1986: Plays Reyes/Presentado in "Fulgor i mort de Joaquín Murieta", by Pablo Neruda. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1987: Plays Cardenal Cibo in "Lorenzaccio", by Alfred de Musset. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1988: Play "La bona persona del Sezuàn", by Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Fabià Puigscerver., 1989: Plays Fígaro in "Les noces de Fígaro", by Beaumarchais. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1989-1990: Play "El viatge (o els cadàvers exquisits)", by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. Dir. Ariel García Valdés., 1990: Plays Manelic in "Terra baixa", by Àngel Guimerà. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1990: Play "Els gegants de la muntanya", by Luigi Pirandello. Dir. Xicu Masó., 1990: Play "Capvespre al jardí", by Ramon Gomis. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1991: Plays Timon in "Timon d'Atenes", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Ariel García Valdés., 1991: Play "El cántaro roto", by Henrich von Kleist. Dir. Pedro Mari Sánchez., 1991: Directed "Bastià i Bastiana", by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart., 1991: Directed "Història del soldat", by Igor Stravinsky and Charles Ferdinand Ramuz., 1992: Plays Del Valle in "Tirano Banderas", by Ramón María del Valle Inclán. Dir. Lluís Pasqual., 1992: Plays Fígaro in "Les noces de Fígaro", by Beaumarchais. Dir. Fabià Puigserver., 1993-1994: Plays Valmont in "Quartet", by Heiner Müller. Dir. Ariel García Valdés., 1993: Special Performance in "Some Enchanted Evening", by Irving Berlin, Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin, Cole Porter and Stephen Sondheim. Dir. Josep Pons., 1994: Directed "El barret de cascavells", by Luigi Pirandello., 1994: Play "Les bodas de Fígaro", by Beaumarchais. Dir. Lluís Homar., 1995: Directed "Els bandits", by Friedrich Schiller., 1996: Play "Diàleg en Re Major", by Javier Tomeo. Dir. Ariel García Valdés., 1996: Plays Kent in "Lear o el somni d'una actriu". Dir. Ariel García Valdés., 1996: Directed "Pepita Jiménez", by Isaac Albéniz., 1996: Directed "El temps i l'habitació", by Botho Strauss., 1996: Play "Testamento", by Josep Maria Benet i Jornet. Dir. Gerardo Vera (voice)., 1996-1997: Plays Peter in "Company", by Stephen Sondheim and George Furth. Dir. Calixto Bieito., 1997: Directed "Zowie", play by Sergi Pompermayer.., 1998: Plays Valmont "Quartet", by Heiner Müller. Dir: Ariel García Valdés., 1998: Plays Puntila in "El senyor Puntila y su criado Mati", by Bertolt Brecht. Dir. Rosario Ruiz Rodgers., 1999: Play "Els gegants de la muntanya", by Luigi Pirandello. Dir. Georges Lavaudant., 1999: Plays Hamlet in "Hamlet", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Lluís Homar., 2000: Plays Solness in "Solness, el constructor", by Henrik Ibsen. Dir. Carme Portaceli., 2000: Play "Taurons", by David Mamet. Dir. Ferran Madico., 2001: Play "Don Juan", by Molière. Dir. Ariel García Valdés., 2001: Play "L'adéu de Lucrècia Borja", by Joan Francesc Mira. Dir. Carles Santos., 2002: Play "Et diré sempre la veritat", by Lluís Homar, Lluïsa Cunillé and Xavier Albertí. Dir. Xavier Albertí., 2002: Plays Caius Marci/Coriolà in "Coriolà", by William Shakespeare. Dir. Georges Lavaudant., 2002: Play "Fedra", by Jean Racine. Dir. Joan Ollé., 2003: Plays Lear in "Lear", by Edward Bond. Dir. Carme Portaceli., 2003: Play "L'escola de les dones", by Molière. Dir. Carles Alfaro., 2004: Tribute "Recordant Miquel Martí i Pol", by Miquel Martí i Pol. Dir. Joan Lluís Bozzo., 2005: Play "Marie i Bruce", by Wallace Shawn. Dir. Carlota Subirós., 2005: Play "Tres germanes o tot allò que és meu ho duc amb mi", by Anton Chekhov. Dir. Helena Munné (voice only)., 2005: Plays Bruscon in "L'home de teatre", by Thomas Bernhard. Dir. Xavier Albertí., 2005: Play "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vida", by Dante Alighieri. Dir. Carlota Subirós., 2006: Play "La nit just abans els boscos", by Bernard-Marie Koltès. Dir. Àlex Rigola., 2006: Special Performance in "Parlant prevenim l'abús". Dir. Lídia Pujol., 2007: Plays Kurt in "Play Strindberg", by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Dir. Georges Lavaudant., 2007: Special Performance in Play "Un roure", by Tim Crouch. Dir. Roser Batalla., 2007-2008: Play "Blanco", by Octavio Paz. Dir. Frederic Amat.
Birth Date: 20 April 1957

Ferran Rañé (actor)
Birth Name: Blasco, Ferran Rañé
Birth Notes: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Father of actress and dancer 'Joana Rañé' (qv).
Birth Date: 13 May 1950

Germán Vidal (actor)

Ana Fernández (actress)
Birth Notes: Valencina de la Concepción, Seville, Andalucía, Spain
Birth Date: 19 May 1963

Carlos Fernández (producer)

Julio Fernández (producer)
Birth Name: Rodríguez, Julio Fernández
Birth Notes: A Fonsagrada, Lugo, Galicia, Spain
Julio Fernández lead Filmax Entertainment, one of the principal audiovisual and self-directed holdings base contained by Spain. Born in Fonsagrada (Lugo), Julio Fernández moved to Catalonia at the closing of the sixties. Since later, he reside in Barcelona and relatable become one of the critical celebrated producers of the pastoral. Actually, the location of his body responds fully to the opportunity of the European and overall market in the spare event sector. His executive hard work has be rewarded near one Honorific bough of the ESCAC- (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisual de Catalunya), Honorific member of the Universitat de Barcelona, Chairman of the Cluster of the Galician Audiovisual, Vice-president of FAPAE (Federación de Asociaciones de Productores Audiovisuales Españoles), Member of the Academia de las Artes y de las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, Counselor of the Board of Directors all for EGEDA, and Chairman of AEGACA (Asociación de Empresarios Gallegos en Cataluña y Andorra). Filmax Entertainment stand today through an organization strategically positioned in emergent, produce and distribute films, emphasize against the fantastic genre, through Fantastic Factory and animation with Filmax Animation, to the worldwide flea market on hall of residence video, small screen and also theatrically. It employ higher than 450 society, participating in the global reunion of the audiovisual sector, developing an rigorous hustle and bustle for international markets and has become figure one in sale of Spanish production to the break of the world. Consequently, it bring aloft slap new concept in crop and circulation of contents, also as fiscal government. Filmax Entertainment participate in the business balanced sector as economically, through joint-ventures with dense and solid group, position multiplexes as the Filmax Gran Vía 2 in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), and the ones to be gap at this barb year 2.004 in A Coruña, Lalín (Pontevedra) and Castelldefels (Barcelona).
Birth Date: 1947
Birth Name: Rodríguez, Julio Fernández
Birth Notes: A Fonsagrada, Lugo, Galicia, Spain
Julio Fernández lead Filmax Entertainment, one of the crucial audiovisual and self-sufficient holdings base enclosed by Spain. Born in Fonsagrada (Lugo), Julio Fernández moved to Catalonia at the close of the sixties. Since afterwards, he reside in Barcelona and personal become one of the furthermost defining producers of the bucolic. Actually, the function of his administration responds fully to the opportunity of the European and multinational market in the entertaining sector. His white-collar craft has be rewarded via peculiar Honorific branch of the ESCAC- (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisual de Catalunya), Honorific member of the Universitat de Barcelona, Chairman of the Cluster of the Galician Audiovisual, Vice-president of FAPAE (Federación de Asociaciones de Productores Audiovisuales Españoles), Member of the Academia de las Artes y de las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España, Counselor of the Board of Directors all for EGEDA, and Chairman of AEGACA (Asociación de Empresarios Gallegos en Cataluña y Andorra). Filmax Entertainment stand today through an organization strategically positioned in nascent, produce and distribute films, emphasize by the fantastic genre, through Fantastic Factory and animation near Filmax Animation, to the intercontinental souk on haunt video, passageway and also theatrically. It employ higher than 450 inhabitants, participating in the global reconciling of the audiovisual sector, developing an undaunted entertainment. for international markets and has become figure one in sale of Spanish production to the remains of the world. Consequently, it bring stirring unmarked concept in surrender and giving out of contents, moreover as economic admin. Filmax Entertainment participate in the musical sector as all right, through joint-ventures with not clear and faithful group, make-up multiplexes as the Filmax Gran Vía 2 in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), and the ones to be first at the moment year 2.004 in A Coruña, Lalín (Pontevedra) and Castelldefels (Barcelona).

José Luis García Espina (producer)

Teresa Gefaell (producer)

Carla Pérez de Albéniz (producer)

Laura Mañá (writer)

Javier G. Salmones (cinematographer)

Francesc Gener (composer)

Marisa Urruti (costume designer)

Laura Mañá (director)

Bernat Vilaplana (editor)

Juan Aguirre (miscellaneous crew)

Patricia Apter (miscellaneous crew)

Eugenia D'Alessio (miscellaneous crew)

Ricky Margolis (miscellaneous crew)

Alberto Marini (miscellaneous crew)

Manuel Monzón Fueyo (miscellaneous crew)

Anna Oms (miscellaneous crew)

Pablo Ramos (miscellaneous crew)

Elena Serra (miscellaneous crew)

DOWNLOAD Morir en San Hilario MOVIE NOW!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movie - Broadway

Not bad - Broadway movie (Ombre di Broadway).

Movie Is being made - in 1942.

DATE: Despite the fact that the bulk of the story is taking place in the 1920s, all the women's hairstyles and fashions are strictly in the contemporary 1942 style.
George Raft: The biggest hicks in the world came from where I gew up.::Mack 'Killer' Gray: What are you talking about? Where?::George Raft: Broadway., Wingy: You're a good actor; an artist.::George Raft: If you'd told me that ten years ago, I'd have agreed with you., Steve Crandall: So that's what you've got. Talent, huh?, Steve Crandall: Every day's your birthday if you're a good friend of mine., George Raft: I always wanted to try a guy your size.
Soundtrack: "The Darktown Strutters' Ball" Written by 'Shelton Brooks' (qv), "Some of These Days" Written by 'Shelton Brooks' (qv), "The Sidewalks of New York" Music by 'Charles Lawlor (II)' (qv) Lyrics by 'James W. Blake' (qv), "M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I" Music by 'Harry Tierney (I)' (qv) Lyrics by 'Bert Hanlon' (qv) and 'Ben Ryan (I)' (qv), "Where the Red, Red Roses Grow" Music by 'Jean Schwartz (I)' (qv) Lyrics by 'William Jerome (II)' (qv), "La Cumparsita" Music by 'Gerardo Matos Rodrguez' (qv), "Dinah" Music by 'Harry Akst' (qv) Lyrics by 'Sam Lewis (I)' (qv) and 'Joe Young (I)' (qv), "Sweet Georgia Brown" Music by 'Maceo Pinkard' (qv) Lyrics by 'Kenneth Casey (I)' (qv), "Alabamy Bound" Music by 'Ray Henderson (I)' (qv) Lyrics by 'Buddy G. DeSylva' (qv) and 'Bud Green (I)' (qv), "I'm Just Wild About Harry" Music by 'Eubie Blake' (qv) Lyrics by 'Noble Sissle' (qv), "Yes Sir! That's My Baby" Music by 'Walter Donaldson' (qv) Lyrics by 'Gus Kahn' (qv), "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" Music by 'Ernest Ball' (qv) Lyrics by 'Chauncey Olcott' (qv) and 'George Graff (I)' (qv), "Chicago (That Toddlin' Town)" Written by 'Fred Fisher (I)' (qv), "Three O'Clock in the Morning" Music by 'Julin Robledo' (qv) Lyrics by 'Dolly Morse' (qv) (as Dorothy Terriss)
Certificates: Finland:(Banned), Sweden:15
Color Info: Black and White
Countries: USA
Genres: Crime, Musical
Languages: English
Runtimes: 91
Sound Mix: Mono
Tech Info: OFM:35 mm, PCS:Spherical, PFM:35 mm, RAT:1.37 : 1
Release Dates: USA:8 May 1942, Sweden:16 November 1942, USA:January 1948

In movie have been taken:

Abner Biberman (actor)
Death Notes:San Diego, California, USA
Birth Notes:Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Other Works:Performed on Broadway in the following productions:, Panic (1935). Tragedy. Written by 'Archibald Macleish' (qv). Choral movement by 'Martha Graham' (qv). Scenic Design by 'Jo Mielziner' (qv). Directed by 'James Light (I)' (qv). Imperial Theatre: 14 Mar 1935- 15 Mar 1935 (2 performances). Cast: 'Wesley Addy' (qv) (as "Unemployed Man"), 'Osceola Archer' (qv), Amelia Barleon, Elaine Basil, Robin Batcheller, 'Abner Biberman' (qv) (as "Unemployed Man"), 'William Challee' (qv), 'Russell Collins (I)' (qv) (as "A Man"), 'Walter Coy (I)' (qv) (as "Banker"), Margaret Craven, 'Joseph Eggenton' (qv), 'Paul Genge' (qv), George Glass, Clifford Heckinger, Dierdre Hurst, 'Zita Johann' (qv) as "Ione"), Harold Johnsrud, Gerrit Kraber, 'Eva Langbord', Albert Lewis, Yisrol Libman, Margot Loines, Edward Mann, Rose McClendon, Harold McGee, Elizabeth Morrison, 'Gordon Nelson (I)' (qv), John O'Shaughnessy, LaVerne Pine, 'Beatrice Pons' (qv) (as "Female Chorus"), 'Joanna Roos' (qv), 'Arthur Singer (I)', Lucille Strudwick, 'Karl Swenson' (qv) (as "A Young Man"), 'Mary Tarcai' (qv), 'Jerome Thor' (qv), Paula Trueman, 'Orson Welles' (qv) (as "McGafferty"), Virginia Welles, 'Richard Whorf' (qv) (as "Griggs"), 'Dane Clark (I)' (qv) (as "A Young Man") (credited as Bernard Zanville). Produced by Phoenix Theatre Inc., Peace on Earth (1934). Drama. Written by 'George Sklar' (qv) and 'Albert Maltz' (qv). Directed by 'Robert B. Sinclair' (qv). 44th Street Theatre: 31 Mar 1934- 17 Apr 1934 (18 performances). As "The Guard." Cast: Donald A. Black, 'John Boruff' (qv), Halliam Bosworth, Alice Brooks, John Brown, Allace Carroll, Thomas Griffin Cooke, Alvin Dexter, 'Charles Esdale' (qv), Earl Ford, Jules Garfield, David Gray, 'Millicent Green' (qv), 'Ethel Intropodi' (qv), David Lesan, James MacDonald, Hilda Reis, Paul Stein, Mara Tartar, Charles Thompson, 'Frank Tweddell' (qv), Walter Vonnegut, Maurice Wells, Clem Wilenchick. Produced by The Theatre Union., Roosty (1938). Drama. Written by 'Martin Berkeley' (qv). Directed by 'Lee Strasberg' (qv). Lyceum Theatre: 14 Feb 1938- Feb 1938 (closing date unknown/8 performances). As "Dip." Cast: Zamah Cunningham, Salo Douday, Katherine Emery, William Fay, 'Russell Hardy' (qv), William Harrigan, Harold Johnsrud, James McCallion, Tucker McGuire, Mary Morris, Ernest Woodward. Produced by Albert Lewis., Sailors of Cattaro (1934). Drama. Written by Friedrich Wolf, as translated by Keen Wallis. Directed by 'Irving Gordon' (qv). Civic Repertory Theatre: 10 Dec 1934- Mar 1935 (closing date unknown/96 performances). As "Hans Trulec." Cast: 'John Boruff' (qv), Edwin Clare, Theodore Cohen, 'Howard Da Silva' (qv), Ernest Gann, Samson Gordon, Harold Johnsrud, David Kernan, 'Edward Mann (I)' (qv), James McDonald, William Nichols, Sidney Packer, Wendell Phillips, Tom Powers, Robert Reed, 'Frederick Roland' (qv), William Schap-Kevisch, Paul Stein, Charles Thompson, 'George Tobias' (qv), 'Martin Wolfson' (qv). Produced by the Theatre Union, Inc., Seige (1937). Drama. Written by 'Irwin Shaw' (qv). Directed by 'Chester Erskine' (qv). Longacre Theatre: 8 Dec 1937- Dec 1937 (closing date unknown/6 performances). As "Escobar." Cast: Leopold Badia, Rollin Bauer, Zamah Cunninham, J. Hammond Dailey, 'William Edmunds' (qv), William Franklin, Hunter Gardner, Maurice Gardner, Jackson Halliday, 'Rose Hobart' (qv), John Irwin, Charles Keane, David Leonard, 'Sheldon Leonard' (qv), Harold Moffet, 'Norman Stuart' (qv), Edwin Thatcher. Produced by 'Norman Bel Geddes' (qv)., The Eternal Road (1937). Musical. Based on material by 'Franz Werfel' (qv), as adapted by William A. Drake and as translated by Ludwig Lewishon. Scenic Design, Costume Design, and Lighting Design by 'Norman Bel Geddes' (qv). Directed by 'Max Reinhardt' (qv). Music by 'Kurt Weill' (qv). Manhattan Opera House: 7 Jan 1937- 15 May 1937 (137 performances). Cast: Charles Adler, Maia Airoff, Herbert Alani, Antionette Allen, Louise Allen, 'Martin Alsop' (qv) (as "Ensemble"), Felix Arndt, Leslie Austen, Neslon Barclift, Fred Barrie, Michael Bataeff, Robert Bentley, 'Abner Biberman' (qv) (as "Adversary's Partner"), Ida Bidner, Anthony Blair, Sophie Brent, Katherine Carrington, Albert Cazentre, Bennett Challis, 'Thomas Chalmers' (qv), Al Clifford, 'Noel Cravat' (qv) (as "Shimon" and "Aaron"), Ben Cutler, Eva Dainova, Henry Day, Marguerite De Anguera, 'Roger De Koven' (qv), Olive Deering, Walter Elliott, William Elliott, Blanche Evan, Edward Fisher, Jules Flier, Carl Formes, ELizabeth Friend, Walter Gilbert, Samuel Goldenberg, Anita Gorin, Marie Guttman, Charles Hale, Harry Hamill, Paul Hammond, Robert Harrison, Frances Hellman, Charles Horner, William Howell, Carroll Howes, 'Sam Jaffe (I)' (qv), Ralph Jameson, Janet Janov, Harold Johnsrud, Starr West Jones, Edward Kane, 'Kurt Kasznar' (qv) (as "Head Reaper/Ninth Pious Man/Zebulon") [Broadway debut), Hal Kingsley, Bertha Kunz-Baker, Alexander Lazuk, Lotte Lenya, Paul Leon, David A. Leonard, Ruth Virginia Lewis, Lil Liandre, Lou Lief, Betty Lind, 'Baruch Lumet' (qv), 'Sidney Lumet' (qv) (as "The Estranged One's Son"), Joseph Macauley, Paul Marion, Leonard Mence, Florence Meyer, Raymond Miller, William M. Miller, Tommy Mott, Victorie Moussaieff, Ruth Nisenson, Eva Ortman, Sarah Osnath-Halevy, Doris Ostroff, Mary Perrine, Rosamond Pinchot, Cassius C. Quimby, Ruth Ross, Herbert Rudley, Lucien Rutman, Angela Schoop, Mark Schweid, Blake Scott, Eleanor Searle, Ethel Selwyn, Sylvia Shane, Marian Siwek, James Spivak, Harold Sternberg, Sam Sternberg, Ruth Stromberg, Gustav Stryker, Lydia Tarnova, Molly Taylor, Myron Taylor, Sol Tisman, Maxine Trevor, John Uppman, 'Dick Van Patten' (qv) (credited as "Dickie Van Patten"), Edward Vermonti, Earl Weatherford, Benjamin Zemach. Produced by Crosby Gaige and Meyer W. Weisgal., Till the Day I Die (1935). Melodrama. Written by 'Clifford Odets' (qv). Directed by Cheryl Crawford. Longacre Theatre: 26 Mar 1935- Jul 1935 (closing date unknown/136 performances). As "4th Orderly." Cast: Margaret Barker, 'Roman Bohnen' (qv), 'William Challee' (qv) , 'Lee J. Cobb' (qv), 'Russell Collins (I)' (qv), 'Walter Coy (I)' (qv), George Heller, 'Elia Kazan' (qv), 'Alexander Kirkland' (qv), David Kortchmar, Gerrit Kraber, Lewis Leverett, Bob Lewis, Lee Martin, Paula Miller, Paul Morrison, Ruth Nelson, Dorothy Patten, 'Wendell K. Phillips' (qv), 'Herbert Ratner' (qv), Samuel Roland, Eunice Stoddard, Harry Stone, Bernard Zanville. Produced by The Group Theatre Inc., Waiting for Lefty (1935). Written by 'Clifford Odets' (qv) (also co-director). Co-directed by 'Sanford Meisner' (qv). Longacre Theatre: 26 Mar 1935- Jul 1935 (closing date unknown/144 performances). As "Henchman." Cast: 'Roman Bohnen' (qv), 'William Challee' (qv), 'Lee J. Cobb' (qv), 'Russell Collins (I)' (qv), 'Walter Coy (I)' (qv), George Heller, 'Elia Kazan' (qv), Gerrit Kraber, Lewis Leverett, Bob Lewis, Paula Miller, Ruth Nelson, 'Clifford Odets' (qv), Dorothy Patten, 'Wendell K. Phillips' (qv), 'Herbert Ratner' (qv), Samuel Roland, Harry Stone, Bernard Zanville. Produced by The Group Theatre Inc., Winterset (1935). Tragedy. Written by 'Maxwell Anderson (I)' (qv). Directed and produced by 'Guthrie McClintic' (qv). Martin Beck Theatre: 25 Sep 1935- Mar 1936 (closing date unknown/195 performances). As "A Radical." Cast: Richard Bennett, Anthony Blair, 'Eduardo Ciannelli' (qv), Fernanda Eliscu, Stanley Gould, Ruth Hammond, Theodore Hecht, 'Walter Holbrook' (qv), Harold Johnsrud, Eva Langbord, 'Margo (I)' (qv), Harold Martin, 'Burgess Meredith' (qv), John Philliber, Billy Quinn, Morton L. Stevens, St. John Terrell, 'Anatol Winogradoff' (qv)., Peace on Earth (1934). Drama. Written by 'George Sklar' (qv) and 'Albert Maltz' (qv). Directed by 'Robert B. Sinclair' (qv). 44th Street Theatre: 31 Mar 1934- 17 Apr 1934 (18 performances). Cast: 'Abner Biberman' (qv) (as "The Guard"), Donald A. Black, 'John Boruff' (qv) (as "Walter McCracken"), Halliam Bosworth, Alice Brooks, John Brown, Allace Carroll, Thomas Coffin Cooke, Alvin Dexter, Charles Esdale, Earl Ford, 'John Garfield (I)' (qv) (as "Bob Peters/The Messenger"), David Gray, 'Millicent Green' (qv) (as "Rose"), 'Ethel Intropodi' (qv) (as "Jo Owens"), David Kerman, David Lesan, James MacDonald, Hilda Reis, Paul Stein, Mara Tartar, Charles Thompson, 'Frank Tweddell' (qv) (as "Krauss/Bill Prentice/Attorney Gordon"), Walter Vonnegut, Maurice Wells, 'Crane Whitley' (qv) (as "Fred Miller") [credited as Clem Wilenchick]. Produced by The Theatre Union.
Father of actor 'Anthony D. Call' (qv)., Short, thin, exotic looking character actor, he could play anything from a jungle native to a soldier but he was cast most memorably as a hood or a convict (such as Louie in _His Girl Friday (1940)_ (qv)). Biberman was extremely active as an actor on Broadway from 1934-38, usually working with the more avant garde Group Theatre company before moving to Hollywood as a character actor. He went on to have a busy later second career as a TV director, guiding episodes of everything from _"Gunsmoke" (1955)_ (qv) to _"Gilligan's Island" (1964)_ (qv)., Appeared in 9 Broadway productions from 1934-38, including the original cast production of Winterset (1935). During this period, Biberman was a member of The Group Theatre, Inc., company, whose members included 'Stella Adler' (qv), 'Clifford Odets' (qv) and 'Lee J. Cobb' (qv).
Death Date:20 June 1977
Birth Date:1 April 1909

Edward Brophy (actor)
Death Notes:Pacific Palisades, California, USA
Edward S. Brophy be born by the detachment of February 27, 1895 contained by New York City and clued-up at the University of Virginia. He become a ball and small-part in the cinema starting in 1919, but switch to behind-the-scenes toil in advocate of brief surety, on the other hand he continual appear in minute parts. While selection in plop of a assets master for 'Buster Keaton' (qv)'s surrender component at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Brophy appear in a cherished cycle in Keaton's classic _The Cameraman (1928)_ (qv), where on earth Buster and Brophy both try to undress as one in a hardly detectable wardrobe legroom. Keaton rap Brophy in larger parts in two of his talkies, and via 1934, Brophy lone the production instruct of the movies altogether and was acting full-time. Possessed of a chunky, bald-headed facade next to pop-eyes, and blessed with (for a comic) a piercing voice, Brophy appeared in score of clown role. He also play expressionless excessive parts, but was lesser numeral fascinating in them. Typical of his work was his memorable turn around providing comic relief in the small taking sides role of the Marine in Manila who adopt the dog "Tripoli" in 'Howard Hawks' (qv)' time of war party line work of genius _Air Force (1943)_ (qv). In the 1950s, Brophy inaugurate taking a smaller amount roles. His ending role was in despot 'John Ford (I)' (qv)'s Western _Two Rode Together (1961)_ (qv), during the production of which, he die on May 27, 1960 in Pacific Palisades, California. He will always be remember to film-lovers as the voice of Timothy Mouse in 'Walt Disney' (qv)'s classic 1941 optical _Dumbo (1941)_ (qv).
Height:5' 5"
Birth Notes:New York City, New York, USA
Entered films in 1919., Bald, rasping-voiced, cigar chewing, diminutive Hollywood character actor who specialized in playing gangsters, both in a comic or serious variety, at his peak during the 1930s and 1940s., He was the voice (uncredited) of Timothy Q. Mouse in Dumbo (1941)., Provided the (uncredited) voice of Harry the Horse on radio's Damon Runyon Theater, which ran throughout 1949., Buried at Santa Monica's Woodlawn Cemetery.
Death Date:27 May 1960
Birth Date:27 February 1895

Eddie Bruce (actor)

Jimmy Conlin (actor)
Spouse:'Myrtle Glass' (? - ?), 'Dorothy Ryan' (? - ?) (second)
Death Notes:Encino, California, USA (cancer)
Birth Notes:Camden, New Jersey, USA
Other Works:Stage, vaudeville, and television actor.
Appeared in vaudeville with his wife Myrtle Glass as Conlin & Glass
Death Date:7 May 1962
Birth Date:14 October 1884

Broderick Crawford (actor)
Son of actress 'Helen Broderick' (qv).

Kernan Cripps (actor)

Joe Cunningham (actor)

John Daheim (actor)

Frank Ferguson (actor)

James Flavin (actor)

Pat Gleason (actor)

Joe Gray (actor)

Mack Gray (actor)

John Harmon (actor)

Ralf Harolde (actor)

Charles Jordan (actor)

Tom Kennedy (actor)

Charles Lane (actor)

Arthur Loft (actor)

John Maxwell (actor)

Larry McGrath (actor)

Billy Nelson (actor)

Jay Novello (actor)

Pat O'Brien (actor)

Damian O'Flynn (actor)

Jimmy O'Gatty (actor)

Nestor Paiva (actor)

Tony Paton (actor)

Lee Phelps (actor)

George Raft (actor)

Henry Roquemore (actor)

Benny Rubin (actor)

S.Z. Sakall (actor)

Gus Schilling (actor)

Harry Seymour (actor)

John Sheehan (actor)

Arthur Shields (actor)

Byron Shores (actor)

Sammy Stein (actor)

Kenny Stevens (actor)

Charles Sullivan (actor)

Walter Tetley (actor)

Harry Tyler (actor)

Anthony Warde (actor)

Iris Adrian (actress)

Janet Blair (actress)

Linda Brent (actress)

Fern Emmett (actress)

Anne Gwynne (actress)

Jennifer Holt (actress)

Grace Lenard (actress)

Eve March (actress)

Dorothy Moore (actress)

Marjorie Rambeau (actress)

Janet Warren (actress)

Marie Wilson (actress)

Bruce Manning (producer)

George Abbott (writer)

John Bright (writer)

Phillip Dunning (writer)

Felix Jackson (writer)

George Barnes (cinematographer)

Charles Previn (composer)

Frank Skinner (composer)

Vera West (costume designer)

William A. Seiter (director)

Ted J. Kent (editor)

John Mattison (miscellaneous crew)

This movie is found by requests beautiful-woman, remake, actor-playing-himself, based-on-play